Welcome to ShareCon 2.1 - New Features - License Agreement INTRODUCTION ShareCon is an easy-to-use name/address/phone number program for PCs. It is designed for use by INDIVIDUALS, but includes provisions for working within a GROUP environment. The records that ShareCon maintains are tagged as either PERSONAL or PUBLIC. Each individual user keeps their OWN records, on their OWN personal computer and/or office network workstation. Entirely at the individual user's discretion, ShareCon will produce public MERGE files that other users may incorporate into their own records. ShareCon makes a great name/address/phone number database program for home use. Of course, there are lots of other programs that will do that same thing; the trouble with most other ones is that they aren't any good at all for business (where you need to share contacts with your co-workers). Frankly, life is complicated enough without having to know how to operate two different name/address programs; wouldn't it be better to use the same program at work as at home? This home/work portability is the MAIN idea behind ShareCon. It is (quite deliberately) NOT a common-database, network- type program. ShareCon incorporates a number of features to make it easy to find specific records, including alphabetical search, word search, and a keywords system. Each ShareCon record may contain up to three keywords. Use keywords to group records together. For instance, you might attach the keyword "vendor" to all the names and addresses of every firm that you buy things from. To get more specific, you might attach a second keyword (say, "widgets") to those vendors from whom you buy widgets. NEW IN VERSION 2.1 ShareCon version 2.1 contains many improvements over the previous versions 1.0 through 2.0. (NOTE!!! IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION, YOU MUST CONVERT YOUR OLD DATA FILES TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH 2.1. An easy-to-use conversion utility is included.) Here's what is new: You may now edit ShareCon lists before printing them. For instance: you wish to send a list of widget manufacturers to someone, and would like to "mark up" the list in certain places. This is accomplished by calling an external text editor from the file browser. You may use any text editor you wish (the only requirement being that it accept a file name to open on the command line). An excellent shareware editor for this purpose is READ by WellsCom. READ may be obtained from http://users.aol.com/wellscom, or from any of the large software archives. Records are now date/time stamped when created or edited. This information may be used in the file merge utility to ensure that when you merge files you get the NEWEST copy of apparently duplicate records. So, if you are running ShareCon both at home and at work, and you update a record on one computer, the next time you merge files your other computer's record will also be updated. A World Wide Web "URL" field has been added, and the note fields have been made slightly longer. A couple of really handy new options have been added to the print utility. First, you may now specify exactly which record fields to include in any given list. For instance: you may use your note fields to store cryptic, shorthand information that is only meaningful to yourself. Now, when you print a list for someone else, you may exclude the notes and so not confuse the other person. In addition, ShareCon will now print HTML formatted lists that can be used directly in internet World Wide Web "pages" and Usenet news postings. This option will automatically convert the E-Mail and URL fields of your records to work as active WWW links! Simply print to a file and then upload the file to your web site. The top-of-screen "function bar" has been re-designed to provide a more complete and clear set of choices at all screens. Some redundant controls have been removed (ie: in previous versions, either or would add a new record. Now only the more intuitive remains). LICENCE INFORMATION The ShareCon license agreement allows individuals to use the program on however many computers they *personally* use on a regular basis. So if your company purchases ShareCon for you to use at the office, you are not only allowed, but you are *encouraged* to copy the program and take it home with you! So if you are working at home on a particular day, all of your business contacts will be available to you, without having to call the office. Conversely, if you are at the office and need to call a personal contact, *those* records will also be available. ShareCon requires an IBM-compatible PC running DOS 3.1 or better, about 250K memory, and free disk space greater than the size of the ShareCon data files. ShareCon comes in two different versions. The first is an evaluation version (SC[version number]E.EXE). The evaluation version is fully functional, but it nags you about registering, and limits the number of records you may enter to 60. If you like ShareCon, send for the registered version - no more nagging, no more restrictions! Please feel free to distribute the complete evaluation package to others. Registration costs $20 (US) per user, plus $2.50 (US) per order for shipping. So for an individual, the cost is $22.50. For five people in the same office, the cost is $102.50. If your office has more than five people in it, then you ought to get a site licence. Under the site licence agreement, each user over the initial 5 only costs an additional $5.00. So for 10 users, a site licence is ($102.50 + (5 X $5.00)), or, $127.50. (Please - under the site license agreement, all users must be directly employed by the license holder.) LICENSE AGREEMENT Each $20 registration fee entitles one individual person to install and use ShareCon on however many computers that individual *personally* uses on a regular basis. If ShareCon is to be used by more than one person, then a registration fee must be paid for each individual who will use ShareCon, or a site license must be purchased. The registered version may not be shared, copied (except when a multi-user order is placed) or distributed. ShareCon is furnished as-is, with no warranty whatsoever either expressed or implied. To order, please send your check (US funds, payable to WaverlyStreet) to: WaverlyStreet, Post Office Box 14249, Columbus, Ohio, 43214 (US) Please indicate ship-to address, the number of users, and 3.5 or 5.25 inch disk (I'll send 3.5" if you do not specify). In return, we will send you one disk containing the registered version of ShareCon, and the latest version of the manual (in ASCII format on the disk) through the US Postal Service. Questions/comments to the address above or via E-mail to: dgjess@infinet.com ShareCon (tm) Copyright (C) WaverlyStreet. 1996. All Rights Reserved *** OTHER PRODUCT(S) Well, OK, at this writing there is only *1* other WaverlyStreet product, but hey, I'm looking forward, alright? Said "other product" is called "Easy Money". It is a very handy application for keeping track of where your money goes, and where it comes from. Easy Money organizes your income and expenses under user-defined categories. Categories may be renamed and/or merged together; the data changes with them. It will produce summary or full reports on all or selected categories, selected range of months. Reports include a simple bar graph. Make individual entries, or use the macro utility to automatically record batches of recurring entries. On-screen manual, optional passcode protection, user-defined screen colors, data backup, reminder utility, and simple calculator. Easy Money is quick and easy to use. You ought to be able to find it at the same place you found ShareCon, but if not, please contact me and I will let you know where to get it. THANKS